Volume 10, Issue 1
September 26, 2019
Langabeer Named Fellow of the American Heart Association
Professor James Langabeer, PhD, MBA has been elected Fellow of the American Heart Association (AHA), which is conferred by the AHA Council on Quality Care and Outcomes Research (QCOR). This fellowship designation recognizes Dr. Langabeer’s career involving scholarly research, service, and leadership to advance cardiovascular improvements and the AHA. Langabeer is currently the national Chair of the Ambulatory Quality Committee.
“I am so honored to be named a Fellow of the American Heart Association,” Langabeer stated. “The AHA has helped to bring new research and scientific evidence that could someday eliminate cardiovascular disease, and I am delighted to have been recognized for my small part in contributing to that vision.”
SBMI Bragging Points
Members of the SBMI Community have recently achieved noteworthy accomplishments. We want to recognize them and applaud their achievements.
- Assistant Professor Luca Giancardo, PhD & Postdoctoral Fellow Arko Barman, PhD worked with a team of UTHealth researchers to develop an algorithm aimed at helping physicians better assess certain stroke patients. The results of the team's study were recently published by AHA in the Stroke journal.
- SBMI hosted a 24-hour Machine Learning Hackathon on Sept. 14 -15 that was organized by Professor Xiaoqian Jiang, PhD and Assistant Professor Yejin Kim, PhD. The winners of the competition were recently announced in a SBMI news story.
2019 Glaser Health Informatics Society Proceedings
We want to remind all members of the SBMI Community that everyone is cordially invited to attend the 2019 Glaser Health Informatics Society Proceedings scheduled for Friday, Oct. 18. Grahame Grieve will be honored as the 2019 Glaser Innovator Award Recipient.
Grahame Grieve’s Glaser Society induction ceremony and lecture (3:45-5:30 pm), will be followed by a reception in honor of Grahame Grieve and John Glaser (5:30-6:30 pm). If you are planning to attend the lecture and/or reception, please email Judy Young to RSVP. After you’ve committed to attend one or both of these events, please contact her should your plans change.
Below are several informative links related to the Glaser Society and this year’s events. Under my signature line is a save-the-date graphic that relays information on the timing and location of each event.
Flu Shots Available for SBMI Students
With flu season fast approaching, SBMI students can get flu shots at no charge with an UTHealth ID badge.
Student Health & Counseling Services staff will administer flu vaccines to UTHealth students. Click here to visit Inside UTHealth and see the flu vaccine rotation. The staff are slated to be at SBMI on Oct. 15 from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. in E.625 (I-Squared Lab).
Students with UT SELECT insurance may obtain a vaccine for free at local pharmacies by showing their UT SELECT enrollment card.
Upcoming SBMI Recruiting Events
Several SBMI faculty and staff members will be traveling in the coming months to attend conferences to promote our degree programs. We invite any prospective students or alumni in the area to visit us during these events.
- Elmer Bernstam, MD, MSE, professor and associate dean for research, was recently interviewed by Newsradio 740 KTRH. He explored the ways AI can impact medicine.
Save the Date
Oct. 2 |
Evaluating the Coverage of the HL7 FHIR Standard to Support eSource Data Exchange Implementations for use in Multi-Site Clinical Research Studies - Maryam Garza
SBMI Research Seminar in UCT E.612 & E.614, 12 p.m. |
Oct. 9 |
TBD - Devika Subramanian
SBMI Research Seminar in UCT E.612 & E.614, 12 p.m. |
Oct. 16 |
The US Opioid Crisis and Prescription Drug Monitoring: Biomedical Informatics Research Needs - Nina Smith SBMI Research Seminar in UCT E.612 & E.614, 12 p.m.
Oct. 18 |
2019 Glaser Health Informatics Society Proceedings Fayez S. Sarofim Research Building (IMM) (1825 Pressler St.), 4 p.m. |
Important Dates
Oct. 18 |
Last day to drop courses & receive grade of 'WP' or 'WF' (may impact GPA) |
Nov. 8 |
Ph.D. - Last day to defend dissertation |
Nov. 13 |
Spring 2020 registration opens in myUTH |
Nov. 25 |
M.S. - State of science/capstone drafts to Advisors for review |
Nov. 28-29 |
Thanksgiving holiday – University is closed |