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Barcode Medication Administration: A Quality Improvement Project in an Acute Care Facility

Author: Erika Cavazos-Juarez (2024)

Primary Advisor: Debora Simmons, PhD

Committee members: Angela Ross, DNP and Xiaoqian Jiang, PhD

DHI Translational Project, McWilliams School of Biomedical Informatics at UTHealth Houston


The translational practice project, titled “Barcode Medication Administration (BCMA): A Quality Improvement Project in an Acute Care Facility,” aimed to enhance BCMA scanning rates within the respiratory therapy (RT) department at Laredo Medical Center (LMC) from October 2023 to July 2024. The project’s primary objective was to achieve a scanning rate of ?98.5% by June 2024. Targeting the RT department, the intervention included workflow analysis, iterative plan–do–study–act (PDSA) cycles, and a review of evidence-based best. The project team conducted a comprehensive workflow analysis of BCMA practices in the RT department to identify and address deficiencies affecting scanning rates. The identified gaps were addressed through PDSA cycles to support the targeted process. Oversight for the project was provided by LMC’s BCMA Committee, which ensured stakeholder accountability and guided change following Kotter’s change model. Expected outcomes of this project included a) improved BCMA workflow, b) increased BCMA rates, and c) recommendations for best practices based on the pre-and post-implementation analysis.

Keywords: Barcode Medication Administration, BCMA, Quality Improvement, Patient Safety, Change Management, Workflow