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Dian Hu

Assistant Professor

Bio: Dian Hu, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at the Center for TEAM-AI. Dian's primary research interest is to discover, analyze and validate socioeconomic factors behind public health issues using multifarious and non-traditional data sources and data-driven methodology. Dian holds a PhD in Systems Engineering from The George Washington University, advised by Dr. David A. Broniatowski. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dian served as an ORISE Fellow at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration while pursuing his Ph.D. In order to solve 21st century public health issues, Dian believes that it is critical to (1) actively identify vulnerable populations and emerging health problems, (2) formulate pragmatic and focused health programs, and (3) monitor, evaluate and modify these programs in a data-driven, democratic, and ethical manner.

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Areas of Interest

  • Public Health Program Evaluation
  • Big Data and Surveillance
  • Systems Architecture and Health Policy
  • Simulation and Health Policy
  • Quasi-experimental Design in social media