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Jinlian Wang

Assistant Professor

Bio: Jinlian Wang, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at the Center for TEAM-AI. She has artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, and computer science backgrounds and specializes in machine learning, genomic data analysis, rare disease knowledge base, and cancer biological pathways. Dr. Wang's current work focuses on rare diseases and cancer genomics, including knowledgebase development, graph knowledge, and the automation of genetic variant interpretation and annotation. Her research aims to develop a knowledge-hub for rare diseases augmented with AI-curated content to facilitate differential diagnosis, a web portal to visualize the knowledgebase, and exchange knowledge between users. She is also interested in system medicine approach research for cancer clinical trials to create targeted therapies for individual patients.

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Areas of Interest

  • Rare Disorders
  • NGS Data Annotation and Interpretation
  • Cancer/Genetic Disease Variant Interpretation/Curation Knowledgebase
  • Predictive Models for Genetic Diseases/Cancer
  • Molecular Networks Modeling
  • Processing of Biomedical Data