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Postdoctoral Scholar Positions Available:
UT School of Biomedical Informatics at Houston

Post-doctoral research fellow positions are available at McWilliams School of Biomedical Informatics at UTHealth Houston, formerly UTHealth Houston School of Biomedical Informatics (SBMI). Candidates will be expected to work on projects related to the projects described below. Multiple positions are available associated with multiple projects. A variety of backgrounds will be considered and these are outlined below. Ideal candidates should be able to think about real-world problems in computational and quantitative terms and are self-motivated and eager to learn new ideas and techniques. Candidates with an interdisciplinary background are preferred though candidates with a strong background in any single area will also be considered.

Selected eligible candidates (who must be US citizens or permanent residents) will be considered for National Library of Medicine post-doctoral fellowships.


Analyzing the role of genome structure in disease: the goal of this project is to develop statistical method to analyze the genome structure data and identify structural features that may link to human diseases. Specific background in statistics, next generation sequencing and genomics are required. Please contact: [email protected].

User-centered design and evaluation of patient safety event reporting systems: The goal of this project is to develop a novel platform for sharing and learning from incident reports and thus to improve healthcare quality. Specific background in human-computer interaction, familiarity with databases and programming are required. Strong oral and written communication skills are essential. Please contact: [email protected]

Using Biomedical Knowledge to Identify Plausible Signals for Pharmacovigilance: The goal of this project is to develop and evaluate methods through which knowledge extracted from the biomedical literature can be applied to assess the plausibility of drug/adverse-event associations derived from clinical data. Strong programming skills are required, and familiarity with the application of either geometric (vector space) models for information retrieval, or parallel distributed representations for cognitive modeling would be advantageous. Please contact: [email protected].

Semantic reasoning for patient medical history study from EHR data: The goal of this project is to develop tools for modeling, extracting, and inferring temporal information of clinically import events from patients electronic records. We are seeking a candidate with Informatics background and programming experience. The ideal candidate should have solid Java programming skills. Experience with data mining, ontologies, and semantic web is a plus. Please contact: [email protected]

Decision Support for Personalized Cancer Therapy: The goal of this project is to develop tools to leverage existing data sources to help clinicians personalize cancer therapy based on the specific characteristics of individual patients. This is a joint project including investigators from the UT School of Biomedical Informatics at Houston and the UT MD Anderson Cancer Center. Products of the project are expected to be clinically useful and will be leveraged to improve care of cancer patients. Specific background in information retrieval, familiarity with databases and programming are required. Please contact: [email protected]

Clinical Data Warehousing: The goal of this project is to maintain and expand the capabilities of the Clinical Data Warehouse (CDW) at the UT School of Biomedical Informatics at Houston. The CDW currently contains data on over 2.9 million patients and is actively being used for research and quality improvement. A variety of post-doctoral projects will be considered including those focusing on: high-throughput phenotyping (e.g., identifying patients with specific conditions), natural language processing (NLP), record-linking (e.g., for eliminating duplicate records) and quality improvement projects. Specific background in information retrieval, familiarity with databases and programming are required. Please contact: [email protected]

Stipend: NIH post-doc salary scale (Available at: files/NOT-OD-12-033.html)

Required submission materials: CV, letter of interest, three references and date of availability

Contact person: As described above. General questions to Elmer Bernstam, Professor & Associate Dean for Research

Physical address: 7000 Fannin Street, Suite 600, Houston, TX 77030

Email Address:[email protected]

Phone Number: 713-500-3900