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Graduate Research Assistant Position - Federated Learning

Position Description:

The Center for Secure Artificial intelligence For hEalthcare (SAFE) is seeking a highly motivated and talented GRA with a strong focus on federated learning and its applications to genomics and electronic health records. The successful candidate will work on cutting-edge research projects, developing and implementing federated learning models using Python and PyTorch while incorporating differential privacy and homomorphic encryption techniques.


  • Develop and implementfederated learning models using Python and PyTorch for genomics and electronic health record applications.
  • Collaborate with teammembers to define, design,and develop novel research projects.
  • Work with various datasources and APIs related to genomics and electronic health records.
  • Learn and apply differential privacy and homomorphic encryption techniques to ensure data security and privacy.
  • Implement automated testing and provide feedback on model performance and accuracy.
  • Constantly explore, evaluate,and implement new technologies and methodologies to maximize research efficiency.


  • Proficient in Python programming and experience with PyTorch or similar deeplearning frameworks.
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced research environment and adapt to significant changes in work tasks.
  • Willingness to learn and work with topics in differential privacy and homomorphic encryption.
  • Strong problem-solving skills and ability to learn quickly and independently.

Preferred Skills

  • Experience with genomics and electronic health recorddata analysis.
  • Familiarity with data privacyand security concepts, such asdifferential privacy and homomorphic encryption.
  • Experience with version control systems like Git.
  • Prior experience with federated learning and its applications to healthcare.

Interested Applicants Submit: Email both a summary justifying why you are qualified for the position, A current CV or Resume to: [email protected]