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Graduate Research Assistant Position - Imaging

Position Description:

The Center for Secure Artificial intelligence For hEalthcare (SAFE) is seeking highly motivated and talented Graduate Research Assistant to join our research team, focusing on brain medical imaging analysis using MRI, CT, and PET scans. The successful candidate will work on a range of cutting-edge projects, developing and implementing advanced image processing and machine learning algorithms using Python, PyTorch, and other relevant tools.


  • Develop and implementadvanced image processing and machine learningalgorithms for brain medicalimaging analysis using MRI,CT, and PET scans.
  • Collaborate with teammembers to define, design,and validate new analysismethods and techniques.
  • Work with various medicalimaging datasets and APIs.
  • Utilize AI-driven tools toimprove analysis efficiency andaccuracy.
  • Implement automatedtesting and provide feedbackon algorithm performance.
  • Constantly explore, evaluate,and implement newtechnologies and methods tomaximize research efficiency.


  • Proficient in Pythonprogramming and experiencewith PyTorch or similar deeplearning frameworks.
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced research environmentand adapt to significantchanges in work tasks.
  • Willingness to learn and workwith new tools and methodsrelated to medical imaginganalysis.
  • Strong problem-solving skillsand ability to learn quickly andindependently.

Preferred Skills

  • Experience with medicalimaging analysis using MRI,CT, or PET scans.
  • Familiarity with imageprocessing libraries such asOpenCV, SimpleITK, or similar.
  • Experience with versioncontrol systems like Git.
  • Prior experience with AI-driven analysis tools andtechniques.
  • Strong background inmachine learning and deeplearning algorithms.

Interested Applicants Submit: Email both a summary justifying why you are qualified for the position, A current CV or Resume to: [email protected]