Student Governance Organizations | Student Membership in Professional Organizations |
The Student Government Organization is made up of the SHIS students. Both masters and doctoral students are represented in the Student Government Organization. Any degree program Student enrolled in the School is eligible to become the elected representative of his or her program.
The purpose of the Student Government is:
Professional organizations promote interest in the profession with specific aims toward service and fellowship for the social, intellectual and professional benefits of each member. Membership generally entitles one to the publications of the profession and the right to attend its meetings.
Students in the School of Health Information Sciences may obtain student memberships in discipline-specific organizations. Organizations representing discipline specific organizations are AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association), ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.), HANIA (Houston Area Nursing Informatics Association), HIMSS (Hospital Information and Management Systems Society), and UTHSC-H Bio Engineering Group. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs can provide information about student memberships available in these organizations and further information may be found at