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Unacceptable Conduct

HOOP Policy 186 - Appendix A - Unacceptable Conduct

Unacceptable conduct that would subject a student to disciplinary action includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • engaging in scholastic dishonesty such as cheating, plagiarism, collusion, submitting another person's work or materials for credit, taking an exam for another person, acting in a manner that would give unfair advantage to him- or herself or another student, or attempting to commit such acts;

  • illegally using, possessing, or selling a drug or narcotic on campus (also refer to HOOP Policy 9 Alcoholic Beverages (to view you must be connected to the UTHealth network) and Policy 173 Substance Abuse);

  • endangering the health or safety of another person on the university campus or on any property or in any building or facility owned or controlled by the university or UT System;

  • obstructing, disrupting or interfering, individually or in concert with others, with teaching, educational, research, administrative, disciplinary, public service or other activity or public performance authorized by the university to be held on campus or on property or in a building or facility owned or controlled by the university or UT System; such behavior includes but is not limited to interrupting, modifying or damaging university utility service or equipment; communication service or equipment; and computer hardware, programs, records or networks accessible through university resources;

  • engaging in speaking or writing that is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and that is likely to incite or produce such action;

  • engaging in the unauthorized use of property, equipment, supplies, buildings or facilities owned or controlled by the university or UT System;

  • engaging in hazing, singly or in concert with others. Hazing, with or without the consent of a student and on or off campus, is prohibited by state law, and both the person submitting to the hazing and the person inflicting the hazing are subject to discipline. Initiations or activities of organizations may not include features that are dangerous, harmful, or degrading to any student. Both the organization and participating individuals are subject to discipline.

  • sexual misconduct including any and all conduct of a sexual nature that is unprofessional and/or inappropriate for worksites, teaching locations and other official functions. Sexual misconduct includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature directed toward another individual (same or opposite gender) that does not rise to the level of sexual harassment but is unprofessional and inappropriate for the workplace or classroom. Allegations of sexual harassment should be handled under the procedures outlined in HOOP Policy 183 Equal Opportunity, Discrimination and Harassment.

  • altering or assisting in the altering of any official record of the university or UT System, or submitting false information or omitting information required for or related to application for admission, award of a degree, or any official record. A former student who engages in such conduct is subject to bar against re-admission, revocation of degree, and withdrawal of diploma;

  • defacing, mutilating, destroying or taking unauthorized possession of property, equipment, supplies, buildings or facilities owned or controlled by the university or UT System;

  • possessing or using any type of explosive, firearm, imitation firearm, ammunition, hazardous chemical or weapon as defined by state or federal law, while on campus or on any property or in any building or facility owned or controlled by the university or UT System, unless authorized by federal, state or local laws.