Volume 9, Issue 7
March 21, 2019
SBMI to Host Career Day on April 5th
We invite all SBMI students to attend SBMI’s Career Day on Friday, April 5.
The event will include sessions focused on helping SBMI students prepare for a job search. SBMI alumni, faculty and staff will serve as speakers and a Career Coach will attend to cover networking and interview techniques. As an added bonus, students who register and attend will receive nine months of access to free career preparation software from NextJob.
Registration takes place online and closes on Mar. 29. Students can email the Office of Academic Affairs with any questions.
SBMI Bragging Points
Members of the SBMI Community have recently achieved noteworthy accomplishments. We want to recognize them and applaud their achievements.
- Two SBMI students recently earned T. F. Burks Scholarships for Academic Merit from UTHealth’s Office of the Executive Vice President and Chief Academic Officer and the Interfaculty Council (IFC). Please help us congratulate those winners: Jingcheng Du (PhD Student) and Kimberly D’Souza (Dual Degree MS Student).
- The Journal of American College Radiology (JACR) released its Recognition of Exceptional Manuscript Review (also called the “Best of 2018”) list in January. Two former SBMI Students (Daniel Murphy MD, MBA & Viralkumar Vaghani, MBBS), Professor Dean Sittig, PhD and Adjunct Faculty Member Hardeep Singh MD, MPH co-authored the article JACR named the best Data Science article.
If any SBMI alumni or current students want to announce a recent professional accomplishment in a future Academic Update, please share the details with Chelsea Overstreet via email at [email protected].
AHIMA Student Volunteer Program
American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) is hosting the 2019 Convention in Chicago Sept. 14-18. AHIMA is currently accepting student and new graduate applications for the volunteer program.
The application requirements and criteria to participate are available online. Apr. 30th is the application deadline.
Online Financial Disclosure Statement for 2018 Now Available
Why is this annual reporting requirement important?
All faculty and certain staff are required to submit a disclosure of financial interests and outside activities online each year per The University of Texas System policy and the UTHealth Conflict of Interest, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities policy (HOOP 20). In some cases, a disclosure may also be required by other state and/or federal regulations (and in accordance with NIH guidance) and for submitting grant applications.
Who is required to submit a financial disclosure statement?
In general, you must submit a financial disclosure statement if any of the following statements below applies to you:
- You are a faculty member
- You are an administrative and professional (A&P) employee (HOOP 150, Administrative and Professional and Classified Job Appointments)
- You are an executive officer of the university
- You negotiate or execute contracts on behalf of UTHealth
- You will be involved in procurement ($15,000 or more)
- You are involved in contract management
- You are a “Covered Individual” on an UTHealth research project as designated by the principal investigator of the project, per the Research Conflicts of Interest Policy (HOOP 94).
How do I submit the financial disclosure statement?
For instructions, FAQs, and the required form, visit the Financial Disclosures website. The deadline to submit the financial disclosure statement for calendar year 2018 is March 31, 2019.
If you have any questions or would like help completing the financial disclosure statement, please contact the Conflict of Interest Office at 713-500-3214 or [email protected] and we will be happy to provide assistance.
Upcoming SBMI Recruiting Events
Several SBMI faculty and staff members will be traveling in the coming months to attend conferences to promote our degree programs. We invite any prospective students or alumni in the area to visit us during these events.
- Professor Lex Frieden, MA, was interviewed on SiriusXM's business interview program called Knowledge@Wharton about Walmart's decision to stop having greeters and its impact on the retailer's disabled workers. The interview was also shared on The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania's online business analysis journal, Knowledge@Wharton.
Save the Date
Mar. 27 |
Xia “Ben” Hu, PhD SBMI Research Seminar in UCT E-612 & E-614, 12 p.m. |
Apr. 3 |
State of the School Dean Jiajie Zhang, PhD SBMI Research Seminar in UCT E-612 & E-614, 12 p.m. |
Apr. 5 |
SBMI Career Day SBMI’s Building Space (6th floor of 7000 Fannin Street) |
Apr. 10 |
Advancing cancer immunotherapy one cell at a time Navin Varadarajan, PhD SBMI Research Seminar in UCT E-612 & E-614, 12 p.m. |
Apr. 17 |
Henry Jones, PhD SBMI Research Seminar in UCT E-612 & E-614, 12 p.m. |
May 6 |
Spring 2019 Poster Session UCT E-612 & E-614 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. |
May 15 |
SBMI Commencement Ceremony SBMI’s Building Space (6th floor of 7000 Fannin Street) 4 p.m. |
Important Dates
Mar. 29 |
Ph.D. - Last day to defend dissertation |
Apr. 5 |
Titles of state of science/capstone & dissertations are due to Office of Academic Affairs |
Apr. 5 |
M.S. - State of science/capstone drafts to Advisor for review |
Apr. 17 |
Summer 2019 registration opens |
Apr. 26 |
Ph.D. - Last day to defend proposal |
May 3 |
Last class day for spring 2019 |
May 3 |
Students must submit a signed coversheet and final copy of the State of the Science, Capstone Paper or Dissertation in PDF format by 5 p.m. CDT. |
May 6 |
SBMI spring poster session and Connect 2019 |
May 6-10 |
Final Exams |