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Center for Digital Health and Analytics

Consulting, Developing and Implementing Digital Health Solutions for Everyone

Jiajie Zhang, PhD

Dr. Zhang’s current focus is on strategic thinking about transforming healthcare and biomedical discovery through informatics, health data science, and artificial intelligence. As the director of National Center for Cognitive Informatics and Decision Making in Healthcare (NCCD), he led the ONC SHAPRC Project on enhancing patient-centered cognitive support in EHR and Health IT. The Center for Digital Health and Analytics is an evolution of NCCD.


Amy Franklin, PhD

Associate Director

Sahiti Myneni, PhD, MSE
Robert E. Murphy, MD
Deevakar Rogith, MBBS, PhD
Meera Subash, MD
Do you have an idea? We would like to work with you in all these areas:

Mobile Health and Connected Technologies

Social Network and Behavioral Analysis

Clinical Decision Analysis and Visualization Dashboards

Workflow and Usability Analytics

Overview of Clinical Projects
Better EHR

A book published by the National Center for Cognitive Informatics & Decision Making in Healthcare


One of the biggest complaints we hear from healthcare providers is that the EHR is clunky, difficult to use, and sometimes gets in the way of taking care of patients. SHARPC was funded to help conduct short term and long term research to address the usability, workflow, and cognitive support issues of EHR.

This book documents some of the results of the SHARPC project: frameworks for EHR usability, methods for evaluating and designing EHR usability, and tools for clinical decision support.


For more information, contact us at [email protected].