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Giancardo Lab

Welcome to the Giancardo Lab

Our research focuses on the development of machine learning-based methodologies for unstructured biomedical data such as 2D retina images, X-Rays, 3D CT or MRIs, videos and signals extracted from the interaction with digital devices. Our work has been applied to a number of biomedical applications, such as diabetic retinopathy screening, neurodegenerative disease tracking, stroke care and successfully translated to industry.

Open Positions

We are not currently actively recruiting for positions in the lab. However, if you interested in collaborating or future Graduate Research Assistant/Postodoc positions please reach out directly to the Principal Investigator, Dr. Luca Giancardo ([email protected]). Please, send your CV, example of your work in the field of medical image computing, signal processing, machine learning or biomedical informatics in the form of scientific papers or computer code repositories.

If you would like to pursue a PhD, please go to the SBMI PhD Application page.


We would like to thank the generous support of our current and past funders.
  • National Institute of Health (R01NS121154, UL1TR003167, T15LM007093)
  • Translational Research Institute for Space Health through NASA (NNX16AO69A)
  • nQ Medical
  • Cullen Foundation
  • McNair Foundation
  • UTHealth Center for Clinical and Translational Science
  • Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (RP170668)

For more information email us at [email protected]