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SIRSI: A Prototype Cognitive Support Application for Clinical Decision Making

We are primarily concerned with the development of a cognitive support system that can assist physicians in their decision-making tasks. Specifically, we are interested in

  • Capturing, understanding and analyzing the nature and structure of expert clinician knowledge concerning commonly occurring diseases using human-intensive and semi-automated methods
  • Developing service-oriented architecture for flexible medical data retrieval, intelligent knowledge organization and presentation for efficient clinical decision-making

Related to this, we are also investigating clinical information seeking practices and alternative mechanisms for intelligent information presentation in clinical contexts.


SIRSI: A prototypical Cognitive Support Application to Clinical Decision Making in relation to diagnosing and treating Sepsis. Contact Trevor Cohen for details.


Kannampallil TG, Franklin A, Mishra R, Almoosa KF, Cohen T, & Patel VL. Understanding the nature of information seeking behavior in critical care: Implications for the design of health information technology. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 2012.