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NCCD Events

Upcoming Events

  • AMIA Pre-Symposium — SHARPC Presentation The EHR Usability Symposium: Vendor, User, Researcher, and Policy Perspectives,  Sunday, November 17, 2013 (8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m)                                                                                                                
  •  Annual Meeting for SHARP(March 24-25, 2014)                                                                

Past Events

  • AMIA Annual Symposium (November 3-7, 2012)  

        See SHARPC presentations: SHARPC Presentations at AMIA 2012                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • The EHR Usability Symposium: Usability & ONC’s 2014 Certification Criteria

       (November 4, 2013) Agenda and Overview                                                                                                                                                                           

  • AMIA 10X10 Workshop: Healthcare Interface Design Distance Learning Course  (July 23 - September 28, 2012)

An important challenge in the development of computer-based health care    environments is the design of effective user interfaces. User interface should be   designed with consideration of the information requirements, cognitive capabilities, and limitations of the end users. The goal of the AMIA-UTH 10x10 program is to provide a detailed overview of user interface design for health information systems, medical devices, consumer health web sites, and other healthcare related systems.

Health care professionals will have the opportunity to learn the fundamental principles of human-computer interaction and human factors and learn how to apply them to real world problems. The focus is on learning why and how user- friendly interfaces can greatly improve work productivity and enhance the quality of health care without radically changing the underlying technology.

  • NIST/ONC Workshop: Creating Usable Electronic Health Records (EHRs): A User-Centered Design Best Practices Workshop (May 22, 2012) 

    Electronic health records (EHRs) have the potential of improving the quality, safety and efficiency of patient care; yet, human factors and usability are significant barriers to their successful adoption and widespread use.

    NIST and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) hosted a workshop on designing EHRs with a user-centered approach.

  • SHARPC Project Annual Meeting (April 3-5, 2012)
    HIMSS 2012 (February 20-24, 2012)
  • AMIA Anual Symposium (October 21-26, 2011)
    Pre-AMIA Symposium Presentations
    AMIA 2011 Posters
  • NIST EHR Usability Workshop: A Community-Building Workshop: Measuring, Evaluating and Improving the Usability of Electronic Health Records (June 7, 2011)
    Agenda and Presentations
  • Three-Day Certificate Short Course on Electronic Health Record (EHR) Usability and Interface Design (January 19-21, 2011)

    Provides advanced training to team leaders, architects, and managers of EHR implementation projects in designing and developing EHRs that improve patient safety, efficiency, and user satisfaction.

    Course Brochure

  • Information Visualization for Medical Informatics: Overview, Search, & Summary for Electronic Health Records (December 8, 2010)

    Novel strategies in information visualization allow users to explore in systematic yet flexible ways, while recording their interaction history and collaborating with relevant colleagues.

    This talk begins with commercial success stories such as, and and explores their application to medical informatics. We'll look at research tools for electronic health records to find specified event sequences ( and search for similar histories ( Then we present current work on showing compact summaries of millions of patient histories to identify common and rare patterns (