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National Center for Cognitive Informatics & Decision Making in Healthcare


The NCCD is an awardee of the Office of the National Coordinators Strategic Health IT Advanced Research (SHARP) program. It is charged with the mission to provide leadership in patient centered cognitive support research and applications in healthcare.

NCCD carries out interdisciplinary research projects to address the cognitive challenges identified by ONC which include:

  • Work-Centered Design Project 1A and Project 1B These projects develop methods, tools, and guidelines to evaluate HIT for usability problems.
  • Cognitive Foundations for Decision Making Project 2A This project is designed to understand the nature of expert clinician knowledge concerning commonly occurring diseases.
  • Adaptive Decision Support Project 2B A revised goal the Health e-Decisions Initiative (HeDI) to help create a nationally adopted representation of knowledge.
  • Model-based Data Summarization Project 3 This project is dedicated to developing methodologies for modeling and summarizing complex chronically-ill patients’ electronic health records.
  • Visualization and Distributed Team Work Project 4 This project is to aimed at creating a framework and guidelines for designing advanced interactive information visualizations by enhancing the accessibility and understanding of patient data.

Dr. Jiajie Zhang, Dean of the School of Biomedical Informatics at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Director of NCCD and the principal leader of the SHARPC initiative.

Link to SHARPC Publications

Link to SHARPC Products