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The EHR Usability Symposium: Vendor, User, Researcher, and Policy Perspectives

AMIA 2013



Intended Audience: Those involved in designing, developing, maintaining and implementing EHRs including: EHR designers , developers and programmers; EHR software quality assurance personnel; Information Technologists charged with assisting the EHR acquisition process; EHR purchasers; Physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals; Usability experts; Academic researchers and trainees (including graduate students and postdoctoral fellows); Policy makers

The National Center for Cognitive Informatics and Decision Making in Healthcare (NCCD), funded by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, as part of the Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Program (SHARP), was formed to focus on the urgent and long-term cognitive challenges in Health Information Technology (HIT) adoption and meaningful use. Over the last three years, researchers at the NCCD have focused on addressing the urgent usability, workflow, and cognitive support issues of HIT that can fundamentally remove the key cognitive barriers to HIT adoption and meaningful use. The center generates research findings, tools and guidelines that have a real world impact in order to maximize the benefits of HIT for healthcare quality, efficiency, and safety. This symposium presents an opportunity for the user, vendor and research communities to share progress, ideas, and solutions in improving the usability of EHRs.

Topics to be covered:

  • State of EHR Usability: User community perspective: A review of the progress made over the last three years from a clinical user perspective. This presentation will be given by a representative from the EHR user (provider) community.
  • State of EHR Usability: Vendor community perspective: A review of the progress made over the last three years from a vendor perspective including the impact of the Safety Enhanced Design requirements included in the 2014 EHR Certification criteria. This presentation will be given by a representative from the vendor community.
  • State of EHR Usability: Research community perspective: A review of the progress made over the last three years from a researchers perspective. This presentation will be given by a representative from the usability research community.
  • EHR Usability in Meaningful Use 2014 Certification: Federal perspective: A review of the Safety-Enhanced Design in MU 2014 from the regulatory perspective. This presentation will be given by a representative from ONC. 5. Open Forum: An interactive discussion to better align the perspectives of the user, vendor, research, and regulatory communities. A moderator (TBD) will be tasked with facilitating the open forum with the goal of identifying 1) common needs, challenges, and barriers in designing and using EHRs, and 2) how the different stakeholders can work cooperatively to enhance the field, and 3) specific next steps. Examples of topics that the moderator. Note takers will be present to record the ideas discussed, and a final report will be developed and shared with all the attendees.
  • Discussion Summary and Next Steps: The moderator will summarize the discussion and review the strategies developed by the group.

At the conclusion of this tutorial, the learner will be able to:

  • Identify EHR usability challenges and understand how to different stakeholders can work together to jointly improve the state of EHR usability
  • Identify and share strategies to help the adoption of user-centered design strategies already underway by representatives in industry
  • Understand how the 2014 EHR certification criteria related to safety enhanced design
  • Describe specific strategies that can be used to meet the safety enhanced design requirements