Dr. Khalid F. Almoosa is a practicing physician who is board certified in internal medicine, pulmonary medicine, and critical care medicine. His current practice is almost exclusively in critical care medicine in many subspecialty intensive care units (ICU). His interests include critical care quality improvement, patient safety, end-of-life care, and general critical care. In these roles, he interacts daily with other healthcare professionals involved in the management of critically ill patients and has participated in many institutional activities relating to the improvement of patient care quality and safety.
Dr. Almoosa has received formal training in clinical research methodology, culminating in his Master of Science in Clinical Research degree in 2007 from the University of Cincinnati. He has also received training in quality improvement from the Physician Quality and Safety Academy at the University of Texas. He served as a medical director of a cardiac/medical ICU at the University of Cincinnati affiliated Veterans Affairs Medical Center and now serves as the medical director of the Memorial Hermann Hospital Texas Medical Center Transplant Surgical ICU. He serves on several critical care and quality committees and has published manuscripts on pulmonary, critical care, and end-of-life topics. He was awarded several grants to study critical care topics, and he has been a principal investigator on several clinical trials. He teaches critical care to medical students and post-graduate trainees.