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Information for Collaborators

Benefits of Research Collaboration

(Loan-Clarke & Preston, 2002)


  • "Collaboration ensures a more effective use of individual talents."
    Research is very complex nowadays and requires a great amount of skill. One may have a project, but he/she may not have all the knowledge, skills or techniques required. If one were to learn all the skills needed to complete the project, this would be very time consuming. If two or more researchers work together on this project, there is a greater possibility that they will possess the necessary range of skills.

  • "Collaboration allows for the transfer of knowledge and skills."
    Collaboration is one of the best ways to transfer new knowledge. Research requires not only scientific and technical expertise, but also social and management skills to work together as a team. These are skills that are not easily taught in classrooms, but more by engaging students and researchers in collaborative activities.

  • "Collaboration may be a source of stimulation and creativity."
    Another benefit of collaboration may come from the clash of views or cross-fertilization of ideas that may generate new insights or perspectives that individuals working on their own wouldn't have grasped as quickly. Benefits are likely to be the most prominent when the collaboration involves groups or people from differing backgrounds.

  • "Collaboration provides intellectual companionship."
    Research can be a lonely task, especially if the field of study is one that is rarely undertaken. Researchers can remedy this by collaborating with others.

  • "Collaboration extends the individual researcher's networks."
    One individual researcher may only have contacts in their current field or department, but with collaboration, this researcher can extend their network internationally or across different institutions. This also ensures increased productivity and larger publicity in regards to the collaborative project.

  • "Collaboration enhances dissemination of projects."
    As mentioned above, collaboration can result in an increased network capability, where findings can be disseminated more widely, through publications, conference presentations, or discussions. The chances are greater of an interested individual discovering a researcher's project when there are multiple names included on the project, resulting in a project with a greater impact.

  • Do you need a collaborator for your research study?

    Our process consists of direct contact with the potential collaborator. Usually, we contact to set up a meeting, or we send an email to discuss with the potential collaborator what we're interested in.

    Interested in working with us?

    Please contact [email protected].