In accordance with Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board definitions, the graduation rate for the School of Biomedical Informatics was determined using a 5-year completion rate for the Masters Program. The graduation rate is calculated using the number of students who matriculated in a given academic year as the denominator and those who have graduated as a numerator. However, given the large percentage of part-time students, some of whom only take a single course per semester, SBMI cannot view a graduation rate as complete until the full 5-year timeframe has passed. It should also be noted that master’s students can study for up to 8 years as a part-time SBMI student. As of academic year 2022, the normal time for a full-time student to complete masters was 23 months, with 83% of students completing the degree within that timeframe. The normal time for a part-time student to complete the masters was 28 months, with 63% of part-time students completing with that timeframe. The percentages below are current through August 2022.