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Spring 2025 Semester Schedule

The courses included on this webpage are for the certificate, master's, and doctoral (PhD and DHI) programs.

Some courses are taught in both instructional formats, so please refer to the course offerings below to confirm.

Students enrolled in in-person/on-campus classes must attend each weekly class session in the McWilliams SBMI's classrooms (6th floor of 7000 Fannin Street, Houston, TX 77030). Each class is offered on a specific weekday and held in a designated SBMI classroom, as noted below. Attendance in person is mandatory, and any student in an on-campus course missing more than three class meetings may be dropped at the instructor's discretion. Please refer to SBMI's attendance policy for more details.

Web-based courses with quizzes and exams may require students to use a webcam and the Google Chrome browser. See the complete list of technical requirements.

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→ Degree Plans
→ Two Year Course Rotation

Course Title Type Time Credits Location Instructor
BMI 5007W Methods in Health Data Science Research Track/Phyton quiz required/Instructor Approval WEB 3 Canvas Yejin Kim, PhD
BMI 5300 Introduction to Biomedical Informatics Research/Applied 9A-12P
3 E620 - Galveston E. Cavazos-Juarez; V. Gail Turner, DNP
BMI 5300W Introduction to Biomedical Informatics Research/Applied WEB 3 Canvas E. Cavazos-Juarez; V. Gail Turner, DNP
BMI 5301W The U.S. Healthcare System Applied Track WEB 3 Canvas Tiffany Champagne-Langabeer, PhD
BMI 5302W Introduction to Human Factors in Healthcare Research Track WEB 3 Canvas Muhammad Walji, PhD

BMI 5304W

Advanced Database Concepts Research Track/Pre-req BMI 5007 WEB 3 Canvas Assaf Gottlieb, PhD
BMI 5305W Legal and Ethical Aspects of Health Informatics Applied Track WEB 3 Canvas Jonathan Ishee, JD, MPH, MS, LLM
BMI 5310 Foundations of Biomedical Information Sciences I Research Track/Pre-req BMI 5300 or or instructor consent 1-4P
3 E612 - San Antonio Laila Rasmy Bekhet, PhD
BMI 5310W Foundations of Biomedical Information Sciences I Research Track/Pre-req BMI 5300 or instructor consent WEB 3 Canvas Laila Rasmy Bekhet, PhD
BMI 5311 Foundations of Biomedical Information Sciences II Research Track/Pre-req BMI 5310 1-4P
3 E620 - Galveston Xiaoqian Jiang, PhD; Debora Simmons, PhD, RN, CCNS, FAAN
BMI 5311W Foundations of Biomedical Information Sciences II Research Track/Pre-req BMI 5310 WEB 3 Canvas Xiaoqian Jiang, PhD; Debora Simmons, PhD, RN, CCNS, FAAN
BMI 5313 Foundations of Electronic Health Records and Clinical Information Systems Research/Applied


3 E620 - Galveston V. Gail Turner, DNP
BMI 5313W Foundations of Electronic Health Records and Clinical Information Systems Research/Applied WEB 3 Canvas V. Gail Turner, DNP
BMI 5317W Applied Data Management Applied Track/Pre-req BMI 5300 or instructor consent WEB 3 Canvas Mahboubeh Madadi, PhD
BMI 5328W Systems Analysis and Project Management Applied Track WEB 3 Canvas Angela Ross, DNP, MPH, RN, FAAN, PHCNS-BC, FHIMSS, PMP, DASM
BMI 5329W Workflow Process Modeling Applied Track WEB 3 Canvas Juliana Brixey, PhD, MPH, RN
BMI 5330 Introduction to Bioinformatics Research Track/Instructor Consent 1-4P
3 E618 - Dallas Arif Harmanci, PhD
BMI 5330W Introduction to Bioinformatics Research Track/Instructor Consent WEB 3 Canvas Arif Harmanci, PhD
BMI 5331W Foundations Pharmacogenomics Research Track/Pre-req BMI 5330 WEB 3 Canvas Assaf Gottlieb, PhD
BMI 5332 Statistical Genomic Analysis Research Track/Pre-req BMI 5330 & 5352 1-4P
3 E612 - San Antonio Arif Harmanci, PhD
BMI 5332W Statistical Genomic Analysis Research Track/Pre-req BMI 5330 & 5352 WEB 3 Canvas Arif Harmanci, PhD
BMI 5351W Research Design and Evaluation in Biomedical Informatics Research Track/Pre-req BMI 5300 WEB 3 Canvas Yang Gong, MD, PhD, FIAHSI
BMI 5360 Clinical Decision Support Systems Research/Applied 1-4P
E612 - San Antonio Yang Gong, MD, PhD, FIAHSI
BMI 5360W Clinical Decision Support Systems Research/Applied WEB 3 Canvas Yang Gong, MD, PhD, FIAHSI
BMI 5371W Business and Technical Communication Applied Track/Class limited to 20 Applied Track students only WEB 3 Canvas Kimberly A. Smith, PhD, MT(ASCP) and Kelly Merriman, MPH, PhD
BMI 5380W Principles and Foundations of Public Health Informatics Research Track WEB 3 Canvas Kelly Merriman, MPH, PhD
BMI 5381 Methods in Public Health Informatics Research Track 1-4P
3 E620 - Galveston Sahiti Myneni, PhD
BMI 5381W Methods in Public Health Informatics Research Track WEB 3 Canvas Sahiti Myneni, PhD
BMI 5390W Methods in Pharmacy Informatics Research/Applied WEB 3 Canvas Felix Nguyen, PharmD, MS
BMI 5391W Synthesis Project in Pharmacy Informatics Research/Applied Prerequisites: BMI 5300 & BMI 5390 WEB 3 Canvas Felix Nguyen, PharmD, MS
BMI 6311W Leadership and Decision Making Applied Track WEB 3 Canvas James Langabeer, II, PhD, EdD, FAHA
BMI 6316W Change Management in Health Informatics Applied Track WEB 3 Canvas Robert, Murphy, MD; V. Gail Turner, DNP
BMI 6318 Big Data in BMI Research Track/Pre-req BMI 5007 or instructor consent 1-4P
3 E620 - Galveston Licong Cui, PhD
BMI 6318W Big Data in BMI Research Track/Pre-req BMI 5007 or instructor consent WEB 3 Canvas Licong Cui, PhD
BMI 6319 Data Analytics for Scientific Research in BMI Research Track/Pre-req BMI 5007 or instructor consent 1-4P
3 E612 - San Antonio Yejin Kim, PhD
BMI 6323 Machine Learning in Biomedical Informatics Research Track 9A-12P
3 E620 - Galveston Toufeeq Ahmed Syed, PhD; Kirk Roberts, PhD, MS
BMI 6323W Machine Learning in Biomedical Informatics Research Track WEB 3 Canvas Toufeeq Ahmed Syed, PhD; Kirk Roberts, PhD, MS
BMI 6325W Assessment, Implementation and Evaluation of AI in Healthcare Applied Track WEB 3 Canvas Susan H. Fenton, PhD, RHIA, ACHIP, FAMIA
BMI 6328W Value in the Health Data Eco-System Research Track/Pre-req BMI 5300 WEB 3 Canvas Debora Simmons, PhD, RN, FAAN
BMI 6334W Deep Learning in Biomedical Informatics Research/Pre-req BMI 5007 & BMI 5353 or Instructor Consent WEB 3 Canvas Degui Zhi, PhD, MS
BMI 6335W Technical Foundations of Generative Artificial Intelligence Research Track/Pre-req BMI 5007
or Instructor Consent
WEB 3 Canvas Shayan Shams, PhD
and Yi-Chang Tang, PhD
BMI 6340W Health Information Visualization & Visual Analytics Research/Applied WEB 3 Canvas Johnson, Todd, PhD
BMI 7150 Research Seminar PhD Students ONLY 1-2pm (T)
12-1P (W)
1 E614 - Austin
E614 - Austin and E618 - Dallas
Elmer Bernstam, MD, MSE
BMI 7151 Seminar in Precision Medicine PhD Students ONLY/Instructor Consent 12-1P
1 E620 - Galveston Zhongming Zhao, PhD, MS
BMI 7301 Grant Writing PhD Students ONLY 1-4P
3 E618 - Dallas  Lex Frieden, MA, LLD (hon)
BMI 7304 Adv Research Design for BMI PhD Students ONLY/ Pre-reqs BMI 5300, BMI 5310, BMI 5311, and BMI 5352 9-12P
3 E620 - Galveston Hongfang Liu, PhD;
and Sunyang Fu, PhD
BMI 7360W Advanced Project Management  DHI Students ONLY/Pre-req BMI 5328 or Instructor Consent WEB 3 Canvas Angela Ross, DNP, MPH, RN, FAAN, PHCNS-BC, FHIMSS, PMP, DASM
BMI 6000 Practicum Instructor Consent Required Arrange 1-6 Arrange All instructors
BMI 6002 Directed Study Instructor Consent Required Arrange 1-9 Arrange All instructors
BMI 7000 Advanced Preceptorship Instructor Consent Required Arrange 1-9 Arrange All instructors
BMI 7050 Research Health Informatics Instructor Consent Required Arrange 1-9 Arrange All instructors
BMI 7070 Fellowship in Health Informatics DHI Students ONLY Arrange 1-9 Arrange All instructors
BMI 7170 DHI Project Advisement Instructor Consent Required Arrange 1 Arrange All instructors
BMI 9950 Project Evaluation and Writing Instructor Consent Required Arrange 1-9 Arrange All instructors
BMI 9999 Dissertation Instructor Consent Required Arrange 1-9 Arrange All instructors

Updated: 01/17/2025